Feb 16, 2018
In this episode, part 2 that is continued from the previous episode, we discuss: Process chemistry/route selection; Drug metabolism: the case of cytochrome; Metalloporphyrins as chemical mimics of cytochrome P-450 systems; Diversified analogues through automated oxidation chemistry; Precision Medicine; Precision versus Personalised Medicine; Alzheimer’s Disease – a case study in precision medicine; Translational chemical and systems biology drug discovery; Translational chemical biology – the gap assessment; before finally concluding
The original article this episode is based on was written by Dr Mukund Chorghade, Dr Michael Liebman, Dr Gerald Lushington, Dr Stephen Naylor and Dr Rathnam Chaguturu. If you'd like to view the original article then follow the link below:
You can also download the original article pdf here:
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