Jul 23, 2021
This is the latest episode of the free DDW podcast, “Paving the way for optimum drug discovery”. It covers two narrated articles written for Volume 22, Issue 1 – Winter 2020/21
Of DDW and they are read aloud by Megan Thomas. These articles are titled: “In vitro models for assessing drug toxicity: new approaches...
Jul 16, 2021
Mathur talks about Twist’s antibody expertise, drawing on the company’s experience and looking at the importance of collaboration. The company has created some successful partnerships and she explains what these look like, why they have been fruitful, and how they have enabled Twist to use its capabilities to...
Jul 5, 2021
Aydogdu talks us through how the accurate and quantitative analysis of product purity is a fundamental component of effective development of a biotherapeutic protein. But without consistent techniques and high-quality, reproducible results, it is difficult to precisely assess the product’s efficacy and/or...