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Mar 16, 2023

This is the latest episode of the free DDW podcast, “Mass spectrometry and CRISPR are pillars of drug discovery”. It covers two articles written for Volume 23, Issue 1 – Winter 2021/22 of DDW. They are called “How ASMS offers more than seeing what sticks” and “CRISPR screening in the third dimension”.

In the first article, Dr. Zack Gurard-Levin, Chief Scientific Officer at SAMDI Tech, breaks down three critical components to consider to ensure a successful affinity selection mass spectrometry (ASMS) drug discovery programme.

In the second article, Rosie Bryan & Carlos le Sage from Horizon Discovery, explain how CRISPR-Cas9 technology has become a gold standard for functional genomics.

You can also find The Drug Discovery World Podcast on Spotify, Google Play and Apple Podcasts.