Mar 25, 2022
This episode covers three narrated articles written for Volume 22, Issue 3 – Summer 2021 and Volume 22, Issue 4 – Fall 2021 of DDW.
The articles are called “The benefits of bioinformatics in genomics sequencing” and “LIMs vs ELNs – what does your lab need?”, for which Part I and Part II were published separately across DDW issues.
Dr Bongcho Kim is the new CEO of Macrogen Europe, a Netherlands-based provider of genomic sequencing services. Dr Kim’s appointment comes at a time of sustained growth for the company, which is benefitting from the rapidly expanding sequencing market. In the first article, he talks to Lu Rahman and explains the important role of bioinformatics in genomics.
The second and third article are in two parts. Researchers often ask whether a LIMS or an ELN is right for them. In this two-part series, Barry Bunin, PhD, CEO at Collaborative Drug Discovery, offers a guide to understanding what a LIMS is, and how it differs from other scientific data management systems.